Now it is easy to “steal this widget,” just click on those words in the OMPL viewer on the right side of this page and you can fill out a web form to get one for your own web site (or click here).

By storing settings in a database the verbose embed/object tag can be reduced to a single relatively short script tag. With a little help from my friends, we put together a simple service to experiment with a viral adoption modes. Lyndon Wong wrote up some html pages, Yossie Silverman whipped up a perl script, and Mark Davis updated the Laszlo application.

Is a hierarchical list of links compelling enough to instigate viral adoption? Are there more folks like Andrew Wooldridge who would want to put this on their sites, but didn’t want to dig through html-view-source to figure it out? I guess we’ll see :)

Special thanks to Laszlo Systems for hosting and encouraging this experiment. You don’t even have to work there to do this kind of thing. Any one can post to mylaszlo and publish their own applications.

2 thoughts on “experimental widgetizer

  1. Whelp – here’s how I found out about this – just for scientific interest :)

    I looked at my referers on and saw a link to this on Marc Cantor’s site, mentioning me. I then came here, then moved on and added the new version of the blog box last night :)

    In a way this is like “subscribing” to this (albeit free so far) with new features coming on the web-page interface I assume. Very neat.

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